EXPRIS Easy ALIS allows you to simplify the transfer of hospital services from SAP conversion systems.
Almost all SAP customers, which the Healthcare solution from SAP IS-H use, use to performance acceptance the SAP standard 'RNCGET10XML'. With help this something in the years coming interface will be Services from various systems, such as care, laboratory, pharmacy, etc. according to IS-H taken over. Without benefits there there no usable accounting. At missing services can it to incorrect billing and thereby to the nasty surprise come. The billable services are not thecorresponding cost unit transmitted. There exists the danger, that the supervising institute at this costs sit and furthermore can missing or to little transmitted services often also "unconsciously lostare lost.
Our solution
EXPRIS Easy ALIS facilitates you the transfer of services from your surrounding systems and it plays no role, where you your services exactly file. No matter whether on a directory of the SAP application server, the path of a shared network drive or via the local instance. The services at XML-format, the standard from ALIS-connect, will without problems read in. All previous versions are supported. The automation of the transfer ALL services in batch operation is through the generic processing of directories ensures. It go no files, or. Services more lost. Accepted files can at request in a separate directory archived are. A complete traceability of the data is thereby guaranteed. Lost and thus unfortunately unpaid services belong of the past to. Services of a new conversion system can in test mode taken over and so without update checked be.
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